A Fortunate Man

3-13-24   David R. Davis

I consider myself a fortunate man for many reasons. My friends loom large because so many of them are skilled writers. This photograph shows twenty-nine of the books published by my fellow author friends. I have published three books, and I am acutely conscious of the time, effort, and discipline it takes to write and publish a book. Stephen King, Barbara Kingsolver, and John Grisham are not among the names of my writing buddies. They are Bob, Deb, Brad, Sophia, Sid, Karen, and the list of first names goes on. They help to keep me grounded and writing, and I hope in some small way I help them too. When ideas seem to run dry, doubts creep in, or I need a “that was a great sentence,” they are there. No New York Times bestsellers here, and no over-inflated egos, just people doing the best they can. I can always count on them. I am a very fortunate man.

Denni’s Book Barks   ****

Crossing The Border by Daniel A. Olivas is a very well-written book (chapbook) of accessible poetry. Like a good song, each of the poems by Olivas tells a story. Some poignant, some funny, and an expression of emotions we’ve all experienced. If you think you don’t like or understand poetry, try these poems on for size. This man makes poetry fun.

Straight from the horse’s mouth
“You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night to write.’
Saul Bellow

I wish I had written this
“Scorpions are lobsters sent west by the witness protection program.”
Alberto Rios

Haiku 2u2                        hunter’s moon set
three ravens one hawk sit
tiny mouse stay hidden

Go well. David

Please consider my books. They can be found on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BHC2MZCR

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2 thoughts on “A Fortunate Man

  1. and so many of those books are here because of your encouragement and leadership. Thank you David!


  2. …so many of us appreciate his kindness and honest interest in words we write. He’s a one of a kind kinda guy!


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