
1-23 -24 DAVID R. DAVIS

“I’m too old to NOT keep trying.” I recently uttered those words to a friend while we were talking about writing. The chat came about after we had both been given a beat-down by members of our critique group. At least for me, the real issue was I knew without question that the criticism was honest and spot on. So what to do about it? I decided the only thing to do was to pull up my big boy pants and keep trying.

The question becomes why?

My answer is probably little different from one given by most people who are serious about the process of putting words to paper. They, and I, want people to read what we’ve written and, more importantly, enjoy what we’ve written. Full disclosure, my ego is involved. I like the idea of being known as a successful writer. But I stress that success is, in large part, being read and appreciated by others. Then pops up that nine-letter curse word–marketing. That’s always the topic everyone dreads discussing. Every serious writer knows deep down that we need to write something of value before we can market it. That is the real challenge. I leave that monster for a future discussion.

As I write this, Suzanne is watching the Australian Open tennis tournament. We are both tennis fans, and having played the game for over thirty years, I understand the commitment professionals make to their craft. I once read that Novak Djokovic, the number one men’s player in the world, allows himself one square of chocolate if he wins a tournament. Supposedly, he’s that committed to his physical conditioning. As for me, I find it difficult to make myself stop after two large bowls of butter pecan ice cream. My point is clear: levels of commitment to success differ.

It’s a new year, and many people make new commitments. My new year’s commitment to writing is simple, to keep writing. Yes, I still want and will work to have more readers, but I will also strive to keep writing fun. For all my friends who write and for those unknown writing friends out there, I wish the best of success in whatever writing goals you have. The joy found in writing is a gift, and I wish that gift for all who write, and all who read.

The wonderful writer Elizabeth Gilbert says this–

“The creative life is an amplified life. It’s a bigger life, a happier life, and a hell of a lot more interesting life.”

Maybe that’s all we need to know and believe about writing.

Go well, and welcome 2024.

Please consider my books at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BHC2MZCR

4 thoughts on “Why?

  1. A very thoughtful response to a rather complicated question. I can relate to its intent and conclusion, but I have fewer words and a lot more punctuation.


  2. I love the Elizabeth Gilbert Quote and thanks for the well written and motivational post! Never stop writing my friend! the world needs to hear what you have to say!


  3. Dabid, I’m pleased you will keep writing. As for the critique of your work, take what feels right and write. You know the bounty of stories within you. Bring them forth dear heart, you have great talent.
    Devi, your faithful reader


  4. You wrote this so eloquently, thank you so much for sharing. Keep writing, it’s worth it 100%!!


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